Each one is affordable and designed to be easy to install and operate. They can all be operated by an individual, so it’s quick and simple to set up, and equally straightforward to fold away again.
Every one of our parking posts has been manufactured to exacting standards, and provides the ideal solution for preventing unauthorised parking on private property, or serving as an extra layer of security for a residential or commercial gate.
You can take your pick from an excellent range of lift out parking posts here at Bollard Security, available in a range of builds and styles, and all at the very best prices. Some are available in a choice of colours too, so that they can effortlessly blend into the appearance and aesthetics of their environment.
If you can’t find the bollard you’re looking for, or if you have a bespoke requirement for a more specialist application, by all means get in touch with one of our sales team, who will be only too happy to help.